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Holiday Parks

Andrew Hill - How to Make Your Holiday Park Stand Out Digitally – Don’t Lose Your Car in a Car Park!

Ever tried finding your car in a massive car park after a long day? Frustrating, isn’t it? Recently, I found myself in this exact situation after taking the kids to one of the UK’s most popular theme parks. Instead of a day full of thrills, we were unfortunately left queueing for most of the day while ride after ride broke down. The most thrilling part of the day turned out to be trying to find my car in a sea of identical vehicles.

Standing there, staring at a sea of car roofs, I found myself wishing my car had something unique - like a flashing beacon or a giant arrow - anything to set it apart. 

Ultimately, holiday parks are just like cars in a giant car park. If you don’t have something unique, something that makes you stand out, you can easily blend into the background. For holiday parks, failing to actively identify and promote your Unique Selling Points (USPs) in the digital marketing world is like being just another car in that parking lot - forgettable and unnoticed.

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The dangers of blending in

Let’s face it - “blending in” isn’t really a strategy any of us would adopt. If you aren’t consistently showcasing what makes your park unique, you’re leaving potential guests uninspired. And uninspired guests are far more likely to scroll on and book somewhere else that offers something distinct.

In a world where travellers seek and replay unique and authentic experiences on Instagram, blending in can lead to missed bookings and declining interest. Your park undoubtedly has its own character, charm, and quirks, but are you making sure that individuality shines across your digital marketing efforts? Or are you getting lost in the crowd?

Uncovering your hidden gems

Sometimes, what sets your park apart might be immediately obvious, but other times, you’re so close to it that your USPs become harder to see. To uncover what makes your park special, start by asking your guests. Customer feedback is incredibly useful, not just for quality control, but for identifying what resonates with your visitors. Don’t leave it to chance - ask pointed questions in post-holiday surveys like, “What stood out the most during your stay?” or “Would you recommend us, and if so, why?” Responses to these can uncover hidden gems - whether it’s serenely peaceful surroundings, modern eco-friendly lodgings, outstanding on-site cuisine or quirky activities or accommodations.

Your staff can also be a goldmine of information. They’re interacting with guests every day, picking up on what visitors appreciate most. And don’t forget your competition. Read between the lines on their offerings, read their reviews and you can figure out what they’re doing well - and where they’re falling short. Are they targeting a different demographic or offering an experience you could improve upon? Sometimes, standing out is as simple as doing something better, quicker, simpler or offering something entirely opposite.

Data trends from your website and social media are another valuable resource. Look at where people are spending time on your site (outside your core search and booking journey) and which posts are getting the most engagement. These trends can give you clues about what potential guests find most appealing about your park when researching.

Shouting from the digital rooftops

Once you’ve identified your USPs, it’s time to shout them from the rooftops - or at least, from your homepage and across your digital channels. Make sure your USPs are baked into everything you do.  They should be front and centre on your website. Be simple and clear in spelling out exactly what makes your park special. This isn’t the time for ambiguity. Guests need to understand immediately why they should choose you.

Visual storytelling is also crucial. A well-placed image or infographic can tell the story of your park far more effectively than words alone. Whether it’s your beautiful surroundings, unique accommodations, or fun activities, make sure you’re using high-quality visuals to support your message.

Guest testimonials and social proof are another powerful tool. Let your happy guests do the talking. Highlight and replay reviews that mention your USPs and reinforce why your park is the best choice. Social media, email campaigns, and even physical marketing materials should all consistently feature these unique aspects of your park.

Measuring success

Ultimately, your marketing efforts using these USPs need to translate into results, but correct analysis of key metrics like website traffic, engagement, and conversions will help you to see what’s resonating. If a particular USP isn’t hitting the mark, don’t be afraid to adjust your approach. Marketing is all about testing, refining, and improving over time.

Why settle for ordinary?

In a market full of choices, being ordinary is the quickest way to become invisible. Every holiday park has SOMETHING special to offer, so make sure the world knows it. Identifying and marketing your USPs isn’t just about setting yourself apart; it’s about giving potential guests a compelling reason to choose you over the competition. It’s the difference between being a bright red, flashing fire engine or just another car parked in a vast parking lot.

Ready to stand out in the crowd?

If you’re eager to spotlight what makes your park unique or want to develop your digital marketing presence and strategy, we’re here to help. At RBC, we specialise in helping businesses like yours thrive. Contact us today, and let’s work together to make your park the standout choice for guests.

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