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Chancery Place, 10th Floor, 
50 Brown Street, Manchester, M2 2JG

T: 0345 459 8001

creating growth to turn 
potential into performance.

Our Approach

Growth is something that all entrepreneurial owners want, but this one word can cover so many things! Growth aspiration can be commercial, as in increased turnover and profits, or sales related as in increased lead volumes, or conversion, or people as in you directly or your team.

The good news is we cover all areas and have been since 2006. Due to this we understand that in reality you can’t grow at all if you don’t have the right mindset and people around you to make it happen. That’s why all of our growth services are based on a combination of all aspects; commercial, operational and people.
All businesses are different and we operate in all sizes and industries. What isn’t different is our approach.

We believe that the true success of growing a business is that it continues to do so once we have left. Our approach ensures we build your business with effective strategies and practices, while mentoring and upskilling your team so the growth continues long after we’ve gone.

Ultimately, creating growth is specific to you. We’re not a one size fits all consultancy. Each and every growth project is bespoke to your business with your specific objectives at the heart of it. The combination of your ambition and us behind you driving you forward, means you will achieve great things. If you REALLY want to grow, we can make it happen!

Service areas

Growth Consultancy

If you are frustrated with where you are but know where you want to be, this is the service for you. This service is specifically designed for business owners who want to grow but need help doing so. It may be that your performance is the same each year and you’re not sure how to scale. It may be that your team aren’t right for you to reach your full potential, or you are just bloody frustrated as you know you can do more!

We believe that if you look into your business, it will tell you what to do. Transparency leads to focus and focus leads to growth. The issue is most business owners have no time to work on the business as they are too busy working in it. From revenue to costs, people to strategy, aspiration to objectives, our growth consultancy projects leave nothing to chance. We start by understanding what you want to achieve, we then lead from the front and identify and remove all of the blockers to growth. Then we stand beside you to build the growth strategy and upskill you and ensure the right team is around you. Then we stand behind you when implementing the strategy as it’s your business and your success.

When we say behind you, we mean right behind you so you don’t wobble or trip. It sounds easier than it is but nothing worth doing is easy and business would be dull without the challenge! The key thing is we don’t leave you at any point and if things don’t go to plan, we are agile and react so the objectives aren’t affected but achieved. Then once you have sustainable growth, you and your team are confident and empowered, we exit having done what we promised and you have paid for.

Growth and Exit Consultancy

All business owners want to exit at some point, that is unless they have a long line of family who will take over. At the point of sale, it is often too late to build maximum value and avoid the dreaded lock in. No owner wants to sell and then have to remain with the business for years to run it or obtain their earn out.

If you have ambition to sell then talking to us is a must. We aren’t accountants or lawyers; we are commercial advisors who can help you to layer your business with value and build it to maximise the sales value and ensure a smooth exit. We even have a good knowledge of the private equity and broker markets for when you do want to sell.

We specialise in working with business owners who have an end goal of selling their business. We implement strategies which build value, build teams, and structure income and cost in a way to ensure that when the time is right, you receive the maximum reward and price for your years of effort and hard work. Businesses shaped for sale at least 2 years before acquisition reach a higher value as they are more attractive to buy and easier to acquire and onboard. Controlling the growth rate is crucial, as buyers will only pay high purchase prices for a growing business. We offer a full growth, advisory and negotiation service within this offering.

Sales Consultancy

Growing revenue has been the bread and butter at RBC for the last 18 years. It was the first service we offered and a fundamental element to most projects we deliver. Led by Ruth Badger we cover all elements of sales improvement:

  • Sales Budgets
  • Sales Strategy
  • Revenue
  • Gross Margin
  • Sales Activity
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Conversion
  • Sales Process
  • Individual Improvement
  • Real Time Reporting

Grow Your Business Today

Call the team at RBC on: 0345 459 8001

Get in touch
for growth consultancy

Thank you, we’ll be in touch.

  • I would like to personally thank RBC for the advice and guidance you have provided us with. Your judicious and pertinent consultancy has given us the foundation we needed to grow our business. The network of contacts you and your company have together with your in-depth knowledge and experience has created numerous sales opportunities within all departments of our business. Certainly, your expertise in sales and personal customer approach were very helpful in building strong relationships with new and existing customers. Overall, I consider RBC’s excellent counseling on good business practices and excellent sales techniques, now to be one of our company’s greatest assets.

    Mike Hawkins
    Hawkins Group, Director
  • We needed someone to come in and help us to do an independent review of our processes to help improve sales performance and conversion within our call centre. RBC was able to quickly see where we needed the most help and gave us a comprehensive plan for us to implement.  No-one is better skilled at delivering sales growth than RBC, their passion, enthusiasm and expertise was invaluable in helping us increase our sales performance. I’d have no hesitation in recommending them. 

    Simon Altham
    Awaze, Group Chief Commercial Officer
  • RBC started to work on growing Everything Tech in 2017 with a focused project commencing in March 2020. As the founder, I always had an ambition to grow and sell but I just didn’t know how to do this. I knew I had the technical knowledge and entrepreneurial flair; I just didn’t have the commercial and people experience. The focused project lasted for 2 years in total before we successfully sold. The turnover impact lifted us from below £1m to an incredible £5m. Every single element of the business was improved, the offering, the delivery, the customer experience, the team and leadership and obviously the revenue and profitability. The growth rate was so impressive, we sold the business 3 years before we planned to, due to the value we had built. RBC’s growth strategy and ability to implement meant that we had a clear vision so didn’t waste time. They built and developed the Everything Tech team which meant all owners could exit upon sale which is normally not possible. The project wasn’t easy at times but Ruth and her team were hands on and were right behind every change at every stage. We started the project with the ambition of growing and it ended for me with a sale at the maximum value I could get. It was one hell of a ride from start to finish and I would highly recommend RBC as they took my business to levels I would never have reached.

    Lee Wrall
    Everything Tech Limited, Founder
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