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Holiday Parks

Fiona Kelly - Selling Holiday Homes in a Challenging Economic Climate

Attending the Great Caravan and Motorhome Show in Harrogate, it was evident as has been for a while that our fantastic industry is facing significant challenges. Caravan manufacturers are fiercely competing for their share of the market, while peripheral products like decking, furniture, Wi-Fi, hot tubs etc. are also feeling the impact.

Park operators and owners are cautiously reviewing their options for retail and hire fleet stock. New relationships have been formed, but some have been broken, and others are severely strained.  Given the camaraderie within our industry, I’m confident that once better times return, all these challenges will be a distant memory.

I can’t recall a time as challenging as the current economic climate for the holiday home industry. My colleagues across the sector share this sentiment. We’ve faced the 2008 recession, which was unprecedented, and now we’re dealing with the post-COVID boom and the ongoing credit crunch with families squeezed in all areas of their financial arena.

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Selling holiday homes may seem like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and insights, it’s possible to not only survive but thrive. RBC, known for its expertise in business growth and sales strategies, offers valuable advice on navigating these tough times.

Understanding the Market

The first step in selling holiday homes during an economic downturn is understanding the market. Holiday home customers are not just buying a product; they are buying an experience, an aspiration, and a lifestyle. Knowing your target audience deeply has never been more relevant. This includes understanding their preferences, buying behaviours, and what drives their purchasing decisions.  How do you capture your customers information, what do you do with it?

Emphasising Value Over Price

In tough times, customers become more value conscious. Focus on the unique value proposition of your park and product. Many family owned or owner led holiday parks have an amazing journey to showcase the park and the product the customers see today. Highlight the craftsmanship, exclusivity, and heritage of your offerings. Use storytelling to connect emotionally with your customers, making them see the product as an investment in their lifestyle and quality family time rather than an expense.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Enhancing the customer experience can set your brand apart during tough times. Explore personalised services, exclusive owner and new customer events, and loyalty programs to make customers feel valued and appreciated. Creating a seamless and memorable buying experience can foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat business through upgrades and referrals. 

Leveraging Digital Channels

The digital landscape offers numerous opportunities to reach your customers. RBC recommends leveraging social media, influencer partnerships, and high-quality content to highlight your products. Virtual showrooms and online consultations can provide a personalised experience, even from a distance. It’s essential to display your park and product effectively while keeping up with the ever-changing and fast-paced landscape of social media.

Building Strong Relationships

Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers is crucial. Regular communication and engagement with your customers are essential. This can be achieved through newsletters, personalised messages, or exclusive previews of new collections. Keeping your park top-of-mind ensures that customers think of you when they are ready to make a purchase.

Adapting to Changing Trends

Economic downturns often lead to shifts in consumer behaviour and trends. Staying agile and adapting to these changes is vital. This could mean introducing more cost-effective holiday homes, offering flexible payment options, or focusing on sustainability, which is increasingly important to customers.


Selling luxury products in tough times requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your market. By emphasising value, enhancing customer experience, leveraging digital channels, building strong relationships, and adapting to changing trends, you can navigate these challenges successfully. With the expert guidance of RBC, your park can continue to shine, even in the most challenging economic climate. 

Contact for more information on growing your sales operation even in tough economic climates.

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