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Growth | People | Wellbeing

Julie Hughes - Wellbeing – Well worth the investment?

Although wellbeing isn’t a new concept, it seems to have made its way to the forefront of employee’s minds with increasing speed, in particular since the ‘lock down of 2020’. But what is wellbeing and are employees leading the way in the wellbeing revolution with business owners lagging behind, hoping it’s a fad that if ignored for long enough, will simply disappear ?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, wellbeing is defined as ‘the state of being healthy, happy or prosperous’. Unfortunately, for some business owners, this no longer means simply paying your staff a salary, buying biscuits every once in a while, and ‘keeping them on their toes’!

In today’s working world, employee wellbeing is critical to the future success of any business.

Pillars of employee wellbeing

So why is there resistance?

Conversations with SME business owners identify two key issues when it comes to implementing employee wellbeing – time and money. I’ll address these both in due course, however I must add in a third reason … having no idea where to start! There are many business owners who I’ll put in the ‘older’ or ‘embarrassed’ categories that can’t imagine ever having a conversation about menopause when the mere mention of ‘women’s problems’ back at the start of their careers in the early 90’s was enough to bring a conversation with the boss to an abrupt end, nor discussing ‘stress’ when most of their working life they’ve been told simply to ‘get on with it’, but times, they are a changin!

Where to begin?

Having an outstanding wellbeing programme doesn’t require an ongoing, significant investment of either time or money; it’s about creating the right working environment, ensuring support is in place (either through internal, trained individuals, external support programmes or signposting to additional resources) and bringing in initiatives that can be incorporated into everyday working practices so that employee wellbeing becomes the norm.

Focusing on making improvements in four key areas: Mental, Financial, Physical and Social, the little things really do make a significant difference.

The knock-on effect? 

A cohesive team of employees, working in a supportive environment where morale is high. The culture is positive and the team feel good about the business they work for. Staff retention improves and those key individuals who were previously looking at leaving, respect the changes made and commit to your business. Productivity increase and as a result …. so does profit.

Wellbeing – Well worth the investment? Without a doubt.

To discuss wellbeing within your business, please get in touch

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